Morpheus GraphQL

Code Gen

Code Gen

Template Haskell

Moprheus GraphQL supports the import of GQL schemas directly into Haskell code based on Template Haskell.

for client you can use declareGlobalTypes and declareLocalTypes from Data.Morpheus.Client.

-- defines input and enum types
declareGlobalTypes "./schema.gql"
-- defines types for query
declareLocalTypes "./schema.gql" "./query.gql"

for server you can use importGQLDocument from Data.Morpheus.Document

importGQLDocument "./schema.gql"

Morpheus CLI

Moprheus GraphQL also supports generating code from GraphQL documents. To do this, you should first install the morpheus-graphql-code-gen package from hackage or dowload built binary from releases. to get a correct result, make sure that the package versions match.

the package provides morpheus cli with commands build and check . The build command generates files from the GQL source files contained in the code-gen.yaml configuration for the specified project root. However, the check command only checks if the generated files match the existing GQL documents, which is quite handy to check if the files are outdated.

Let's take a look at the following project. where we have different posts and users and want to develop an application for client and server.

├── package.yaml
├── code-gen.yaml
└── src
    ├── Main.hs
    ├── Scalars.hs
    ├── Server
    |   └── Blog.gql
    └── Client
        ├── Blog.gql
        └── Queries
            ├── GetPosts.gql
            └── GetUsers.gql

files are defined as follows.


newtype Markdown = Markdown Text
    ( Show,

instance GQLType Markdown where
  type KIND Markdown = SCALAR

instance DecodeScalar Markdown where
  decodeScalar (String x) = pure (Markdown x)
  decodeScalar _ = fail "not suppoorted"

instance EncodeScalar Markdown where
  encodeScalar (Markdown x) = String x

instance FromJSON Markdown where
  parseJSON = scalarFromJSON

instance ToJSON Markdown where
  toJSON = scalarToJSON

./src/Server/Blog.gql & ./src/Client/Blog.gql

scalar Markdown

type Post {
  title: String!
  body: Markdown

type User {
  name: String!
  posts: [Post!]!

type Query {
  getUsers: [User!]!
  getPosts: [Post!]!


query GetPosts {
  getPosts {


query GetUsers {
  getUsers {
    posts {

to generate files from it, we should now configure code-gen.yaml.


  - name: Server API # Name of the service
    source: ./src # root folder for haskell source files
      - path: Server/**/*.gql # list of gql sources
          Markdown: Scalars # imports Markdown type declatation from Scalars.hs
  - name: Client API # Name of the service
    source: ./src # root folder for haskell source files
    schema: Client/Blog.gql
      - path: Client/Queries/**/*.gql # list of gql sources
          Markdown: Scalars # imports Markdown type declatation from Scalars.hs

now we are ready to generate types.

build command

morpheus build ./

command will lookup code-gen.yaml and generate coresponding Haskell modules. it will also print out the processed documents listed in these services.

build:Server API
  - src/Server/Blog.gql

 build:Client API
  - src/Client/Blog.gql
  - src/Client/Queries/GetPosts.gql
  - src/Client/Queries/GetUsers.gql


the generated files are.

|── src
    ├── Server
    |   └── Blog.hs
    └── Client
        ├── Blog.hs
        └── Queries
            ├── GetPosts.hs
            └── GetUsers.hs

Now you can import types and write your own handlers or client queries based on them. For the full implementation of the example, see code-gen-docs.