Morpheus GraphQL

Code Gen

Morpheus GraphQL Client

The Morpheus GQL client enables the use of GQL queries and mutations on HTTP servers and also the subscription of specific topics to GQL subscriptions using websockets.

GQL Query/Mutation on HTTP server

Suppose we have the following GQL schema from which we want to retrieve information about the hero Poseidon.

type Deity {
  name: String!
  power: String
  realm: Realm!
  bornAt: City

enum Realm {

type Query {
  deity(name: String!, realm: Realm): Deity!

we should start with declareGlobalTypes to declare haskell type for Realm

declareGlobalTypes "assets/mythology.gql"

now we can declare haskell type for qurey GetHero.

    query GetHero ($name: String!, realm: Sea)
        deity (name:$name) {

at the last stage, we can define Morpheus HTTP client with URL and custom headers which can be used to fetch Hero.

client :: GQLClient
client = "http://localhost:3000" `withHeaders` [("custom-header", "custom-value")]

fetchHero :: IO (ResponseStream GetHero)
fetchHero = request client GetHeroArgs {name = "poseidon"}

GQL Subscription with WS server

Suppose we have the following GQL schema, from which we want to subscribe information about the new users.

type User {
  name: String!
  email: String!

type Query {
  user: User!

type Subscription {
  newUser: User!

as in the example above, we will start with the declaration of global and subscription types

declareGlobalTypes "assets/users.gql"

    subscription NewUsers
         newUser {

as in previous example we will define client with websockets URL and use it. However, now it results stream of NewUsers instead of the single response. To print these results each time we receive a new user, we can use the function forEach.

client :: GQLClient
client = "ws://localhost:3000"

newUsers :: IO (ResponseStream NewUsers)
newUsers = request client ()

subscribeUSers :: IO ()
subscribeUSers = newUsers >>= forEach print